Business is becoming harder and harder to handle now a days, so many price hikes, not enough customers. What you need is an easy and simple way to double the amount of people who know and need you It may sound hard but there is a simple solution to it, and that's Joint Ventures.
Joint Ventures are not, and I repeat, not partnerships. A partnership is two people or parties coming together to start a business. A joint venture is two existing companies joining forces on a particular project only. What's so great about that? First of all, stop thinking of how your profits will be cut in half, because they wont. What will be cut in half are your expenses for that project and the risk you put into it. Don't think that you can earn more by doing it on your own because the point is that you get double exposure at half the price and with half the effort and headache.
Let's say you're a wedding shop. You have couples come in for everything wedding related. A good shop for you to have a joint venture with is a travel agency, or a salon. Lets say you're with a travel agency, and one of your agreements is that you both get to advertise in each others shops. Now every couple that goes on a trip will see your advertisement in the agency and will keep you in mind or remember you when it is tying the knot time. For the agency, any couple who plans their wedding with you will be needing tickets and plans for their honeymoon so they will have them in mind. As for the salon, well makeup and hair goes with weddings! Anyone woman who sees a beautiful picture of a lady in a gown with the most beautiful flowers in her hand will remember you when they or someone else needs a wedding coordinator. Exposure and business opportunities just doubled with a move as simple as that.
Best things associated with Joint Ventures are free advertising, extra exposure and referrals. When someone is already patronizing on shop, who else will they trust more for advice on other businesses than that shop. If always buy my flowers from the same shop, I'll take their advise when it comes to finding the best gift shop. Ill listen to my favorite butcher if he tells me to buy my seasoning, vegetables or other ingredients from the little grocery down the road. The key to Joint Ventures is the association or compatibility of the products. Think peanut butter and jelly, chocolate and strawberries, cookies and cream.
Another great thing you can do is offer discounts or freebies for people who come from the shop that you have a joint venture with. This will give people more reason to visit your shop. Discounts on items, memberships or services. Coupons perhaps or simple gifts, it's not the item really but the impact it has on the customers impression of your shop. Just be as creative as you can be.