Saturday, July 17, 2010

Tips - Preparing For Your Vacation

Are you taking a summer vacation this year? If you are, have you already started preparing for your trip? Online, there are a large number of preparation tips available for summer travelers. While preparation advice and tips may be of assistance to you, they are often hard to go by. This is because not everyone vacations at the same location. When preparing for your summer vacation, you are encouraged to keep your destination in mind.

No matter what your vacation destination is, you will need to take the climate into consideration. If you are visiting a tropical location, you will need to bring along the appropriate clothing. Bathing suits, shorts, t-shirts, and tank tops are common appeal found at beaches and aboard cruise ships. While you may be expecting warm and sunny weather, it is still advised that you prepare for the worst. Raincoats and an umbrella may be a great addition to your summer clothing.

Whenever you leave home, no matter where you are traveling to, you are always encouraged to have the proper forms of identification. If you do not have a driver’s license, you can easily obtain an id card from your local county office building. In addition to the proper identification, it is advised that you bring along all health insurance and auto insurance cards. Should you need care or get into an automobile accident; this information will come in handy.

Perhaps, the most popular summer vacation destination is the beach. Each year millions of individuals and families flock to beaches. When vacationing at the beach, it is important that you bring along the appropriate clothing and sunscreen. Many vacationers do not realize the dangers of sunbathing without sunscreen. In addition to sunscreen, you will need to make sure that you have beach towels and plenty of water on hand.

Cruise ships are a popular vacation choice for many individuals and families. If you are taking a cruise, you are advised to start preparing for your trip as soon as you book your reservation. Unlike many other vacations, a cruise often requires a large amount of preparation.

When preparing for your cruise, it is important to keep in mind where your ship will be headed and what stops are planned along the way. When on international waters or traveling to a foreign country, a passport is required. If you do not already have a passport you will need to obtain one. Passports can easily be obtained, but they do require approval. That is why you should apply for a passport as soon as you make your cruise ship reservation.

In addition to going on a cruise or vacationing at the beach, many families make the decision to go camping. Similar to taking a summer cruise, camping often requires a large amount of preparation. The amount of preparation needed often depends on where and how you will be camping.

When camping, you will need to determine where you will be sleeping. If you are camping with an RV, you will need to make sure that it is stocked full of supplies. If you plan on camping outdoors, you will need to make sure that you have your tents ready to go and that all of the pieces are accounted for. If you plan on boating, hiking, or fishing, you will want to bring the appropriate gear with you. Many campgrounds are in secluded areas; therefore, if you forget something, you often have to go without.

For the most part, if you forget to bring along certain supplies you can purchase replacements. The only downside to purchasing what you need at your vacation destination is the price. Many popular vacation destinations have inflated prices. To prevent unnecessary expenses, you are encouraged to check your luggage before you leave.

In addition to the above mentioned preparation tips, you are urged inform friends and family of where you are headed to. If you have developed an itinerary, you are encouraged to give this information to someone that you know. In the event that something happens back home, you can easily be reached. If you have any pets, you will need to make the proper arrangements for someone to care for or feed them.

It cannot be emphasized how important the preparation for your summer vacation is. Preparing for your vacation may seem overwhelming, but if you do your preparation in steps the process becomes easier to manage.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

PDWAC - Bisnis-Pucuk-Daun-Tebu

Bisnis Pucuk Daun Tebu adalah bisnis yang relatif baru di indonesia , sebenarnya sudah ada beberapa perusahaan yang memulai bisnis ini seperti perusahaan HDK dan beberapa perusahaan di lokasi Malang , porong dan jawa timur.

Tebu (bahasa Inggris: sugar cane) adalah tanaman yang ditanam untuk bahan baku gula. Tanaman ini hanya dapat tumbuh di daerah beriklim tropis. Tanaman ini termasuk jenis rumput-rumputan. Umur tanaman sejak ditanam sampai bisa dipanen mencapai kurang lebih 1 tahun. Di Indonesia tebu banyak dibudidayakan di pulau Jawa dan Sumatra.

Dengan banyaknya Pabrik pabrik tebu di indonesia khususnya di Jawa dan Sumatra maka Sumber daya daun tebu amat sangat melimpah ruah, selama Ini Pucuk daun Tebu hanya di gunakan sebagai Pakan ternak. melihat potensi yang begitu besar maka Bisnis Pucuk Daun Tebu sangatlah menjanjikan.

PDWAC (Prima Desain Widya Adicipta) adalah perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang agro industri dan akan konsisten menekuni Bisnis Pucuk Daun Tebu , untuk produk perdana ini berupa Packing pucuk daun tebu yang akan digunakan sebagai bahan baku kertas.

Produksi ini kita kirim ke Jepang dan berbagai negara di Eropa.

Efek samping dari Bisnis Pucuk Daun Tebu yang sangat luar biasa adalah penyerapan tenaga kerja lokal , dari perhitungan kami dengan adanya Bisnis Pucuk Daun Tebu untuk satu pabrik saja akan menyerap tenaga kerja sebesar 170 orang tenaga lokal .

Untuk menjaga kwalitas produksi dalam menjalankan  Bisnis Pucuk Daun Tebu ini ,  kita juga sangat concern untuk pemilihan bahan , contoh dibawah ini adalah bahan yang masuk kreteria baik.

Melihat prospek Bisnis Pucuk Daun Tebu yang demikian menarik maka kami menawarkan kepada anda untuk ber investasi dan menjalin kerjasama yang saling menguntungkan . untuk informasi lebih detail dapat menghubungi kami di :
Mochamad Taufan Amien
Ds. Kuniran Rt 12 Rw 03 , Bojonegoro
Hp : 081335711762
email :




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