Friday, August 27, 2010

Popular Air Cargo Freights

In the present day, we usually get and receive our material things from different places around the world. We usually don't even know that it came halfway around the world before even getting in your possession. We never even bother to think about them of course, this is all done by freight systems around the world, and one of the most popular is air freight. Air freight is usually used for business purposes and convenience.

Once you want to send a package of any content (usually in bulk or big amounts), we typically send them in air cargo freight services. This simply proves to be efficient and will likely be the fastest mode of transportation for your cargo.

These dedicated companies are divided into two divisions; International Freight Forwarders, which ship goods to other countries or Domestic Freight Forwarders which ship goods within one country.

Various methods of shipping goods are simplified on your needs; this depends on the importance of the cargo being shipped. For example, you need to send product samples from Los Angeles to France for verification, hence express cargo would be your choice. Charges will also depend on the value being shipped.

Air Cargo Freight is likely to be a different situation than the mode of the efficiency of cargo being sent in less time, there are many of freight companies in the United States alone, this will likely be a hassle to anybody who wants the best reputable shipping. There are many good choices of freight service companies; however, this will depend upon the fee. Fees is another factor, you can usually compare them online as there are many sites that will offer a good comparison of services in contrast to the shipping fees itself.

The freight is usually measured on gross weight, value which is then sent forth to the carrier's tariff or rates. This will grant rights to the carrier but will never open the containers or packages. If the particulars are not matching or sent to the wrong address, you will likely pay for the expenses incurred during the examination, measurement of value and the freight charge itself.

In the usage of aircrafts being used, large cargo shipping airlines usually use the latest and greatest but many of them use older models such as the Boeing 707, Boeing 727, Douglas DC-8 just to name a few. Some do use much older models but it involves replacement and strengthening of parts to be usable for cargo services. Some airlines tend to carry a few passengers from time to time to minimize the cost of shipping. Also airline freighters which are dedicated to transportation of goods are mostly divisions or subsidiaries of large passenger airlines.

Notable shipping companies around the world are always on the top of their business, here are some of them which you will likely choose but this article has no connections to any of these companies and does not promote nor advertise them, these are used for reference purposes only.

• Federal Express
• Korean Air
• Lufthansa Cargo
• United Parcel Service
• Singapore Airlines Cargo

You can simply find your best air cargo freight service by your own experience. People will likely choose their local air freight forward
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Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Great Alternative Sources of Traffic

You're probably already using Google Adwords, Yahoo (USA, UK and Australia) and MSN to buy traffic to your site, but did you know there are many other sources for paid traffic that can be really profitable?

Four of my favorites include:

Google Content Network — I'm listing this as an alternative because most people using Google Content Network don't do it the way that I'm going to show you.

Facebook advertising

DoubleClick — you can put your banners and ads up on other people's websites

YouTube — Now that it's been absorbed by Google, this has become a pretty big player.

The good news is that most of these sources aren't being heavily exploited by merchants and affiliates yet, so you can still get clicks for pretty cheap! Here's the low-down on these great alternative sources for paid traffic...

Google Content Network

1. Text vs. banner ads

It doesn't cost any more to have your Adwords ad display as a banner graphic rather than text, and it means that your ad takes up a lot more space than it would if it was just text. Often these can be a lot more profitable than your standard text ads as well, and at the very least it's good free branding for your site — even if it doesn't get clicked on.

Of course Google displays ads pretty randomly, so you're never really guaranteed a space in the ad slot. That's why it's a good idea to hedge your bets and create both text ads and banner ads.

2. Separate your ads for "content match" and your ads for "search match" into separate campaigns

This is really important for a number of reasons:

The results you get for your search match campaigns are going to differ from the results for your content match campaigns, and it's vital that you can see the difference. You can't do this if they're all lumped into the same campaign.

It also means that you can write different ads for the different campaigns. What works for content match might not work for search match, and vice versa. It's important that you have the flexibility to target your ads accordingly.

You might find that search match is profitable in a bunch of countries, but content match is only profitable in the United States. Or you might find that your content match rocks the casbah in a whole bunch of countries while your search match campaign tanks in all markets but the UK. In either case, you need to be able to work out your profit margins for each campaign, and then you can tweak your countries accordingly.

3. Don't be lazy, be relevant!

Categorize your adwords (use Traffic Travis)

Imagine you're creating a PPC campaign for a dog training product. Take the time to categorize your keywords and note the major trends: You might have a bunch of keywords focusing on German Shepherds, and you might have another bunch of keywords related to "stop dog biting". Once you've categorized your words you can create different ad text for each group, so that the ads are actually relevant to what people are searching for!

For instance, you could write "Discover step-by-step how to stop your dog biting right now" or "Discover how to stop your German Shepherd's behavior problems for good" instead of the very generic "Get expert dog advice and stop your dog problems for good"

When your ads are more closely related to the search term, you get better clickthrough rates and better conversions. A little bit of extra effort equates to a whole lot more profit.

Create different size banners

If you're creating banners for your Google content match ads, be sure to make them in every size that Google supports. That way you've got a better chance of having your ad appear on someone's site.

Create effective banners

This is at least as important as having your ad show up... make sure your banner ad is effective! Remember to target your banners to your keywords, so if your keywords are "poodle training", then create a banner focusing on poodle training!

Remember that while images draw attention, it's the text in your ad that sells. Make text a big focus of your ad, and if you're using multiple frames in your ad (as an animated gif or a flash movie) then make sure your viewers have time to read the text. I recommend that you allow about 4 seconds per frame.

If you're looking for free pictures for your ads, pay a visit to Stockxchng. If you need free image editing software, check out

This doesn't need to take a long time or a lot of effort when designing your ad. Your initial design might take you a little while to come up with, but you can usually just use this as a template and switch a few words around here and there to target your ad at different search terms. And again... a little extra effort goes a long way!

Check out this blog post for more tips on effective banner ads.

4. Use conversion tracking or tracking IDs to see where your sales are coming from.

It's important to know which keywords are actually resulting in sales so you can prune away the unprofitable words and amp up your efforts on your profitable words.

Google gives you a really effective way to do this with their conversion tracking tool. It places a little cookie in a user's browser when they click on your Adwords link, and if they make it through to the merchant's afterpurchase page (which means they've made a purchase) it triggers a little alert that records a conversion. You can then look at your ads and keywords and see which ones are resulting in the most conversions.

The downside of this is that you need the co-operation of the merchant site to make it work. You need them to insert your conversion tracking code into their afterpurchase page so that it can trigger the cookie when the user makes it through. Some merchants have no problem with this, but others can be reluctant. If you encounter a reluctant merchant, there is another method you can use if you're promoting a ClickBank product.

ClickBank allows you to add tracking IDs to your affiliate links. This means that you can set up a different tracking ID for each of your landing pages, and different landing pages for each of your adgroups. You might not get the same detail you'd get from the Google conversion tracking code, but you'll at least have some idea which landing pages are converting the best.

For more information about Google Conversion Tracking, click here, or for more information about adding ClickBank Tracking IDs, click here.


Facebook gets a huge amount of traffic, and it's only set to increase over time. If you visit and plug and into the "Movers and shakers traffic graph", then zoom out so that you're looking at the maximum amount of time the graph will permit, you'll notice that Facebook is curving upwards in reach, rank and page views. In fact it's almost matching MySpace in terms of pageviews as I write this.

How does this help you? Well, you can advertise on Facebook. And that's just the start.

Because people pour so many personal details into their Facebook profiles, it gives you unprecedented ability to target your ads towards the people who will be really interested. You could narrow it down to single women in the New York area between the ages of 45 and 60 if you so choose... a great market for promoting online dating sites or relationship secrets products.

The other advantage with Facebook advertising is that you have much less competition because fewer people are doing it. At the moment it's extremely cheap... about 1 cent per click. Good luck finding clicks for that price on Google!


YouTube is another monster on the Alexa charts — already it's almost up there with Google and Yahoo. It's also another arena where there's much less competition, so it's not too hard to get your video ranking highly. Even if you just create a screen-capture video or a series of PowerPoint-style slides to teach people something, you can get some good traffic to your site. The trick is to add some subtle branding to the video that directs viewers to your website. The people who are most successful in YouTube tend to be ones who create a series of videos and develop a following of viewers, so consider this as well.

The other benefit to YouTube is that you'll find your videos showing up in Google search results, and your video result listing has a nice picture from the video next to it. This makes it more appealing to click on.

Other Ad networks/places to advertise

MySpace — Similar to Facebook: You can also choose which demographics you want to promote to.

DoubleClick — You can choose which types of sites you'd like to advertise on: For instance, you might advertise your dog training products on dog training websites.

Cost-Per-Acquisition networks (like — Once you know how well your campaign converts and what your profit margin is, you can use these networks to pay affiliates for generating particular actions. For instance, if you know that every newsletter signup you receive on your opt-in page you earn 50c, you could use a CPA network to pay affiliates 20c for generating newsletter opt-ins. You still earn 30c, and it takes no effort!

Hopefully this newsletter has given you some good ideas for your PPC campaigns, and got you thinking outside the box a little bit.

All the best, and bye for now.
Traffic Travis

P.S. If you're really serious about your pay-per-click campaigns, Traffic Travis Professional offers you unlimited projects and the ability to import 5000 keywords to research. More keywords means you have a better chance of hitting those really profitable keywords that your competitors are having so much success with, so it's a must for any serious PPC marketer.

Remember we've got a $5 trial for Traffic Travis Professional for a limited time, so don't miss out! To find out more see
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Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Tips Computer Help.

Where and How to Get It

Well there's no denying it - No matter how new or how well maintained our computers are, we all encounter computer problems sooner or later. The good news is that we don't have to face them alone. There are a ton of resources available to walk us through computer issues but it may take a little knowledge in knowing how to access them. This article will show you how.

1. Remember help files. It's funny, but people seem to forget that every computer and every program installed on a computer comes with its own help file. Even the operating system of a computer has a help file and it really should be the first place to look for answers. Help files are designed not only to guide the usage of a computer, they're also designed to solve problems. Inside a help file, look for a section called, "Troubleshooting" (or something similar) when you need to resolve an issue. This section is reserved for solving problems specific to the software or hardware that you're using.

2. Product websites. If you're having a problem with a piece of software or with a hardware part, try the website of that software's or hardware's manufacturer. Most (if not all) manufacturer's reserve a portion of cyberspace and dedicate it to support the products that they build. Microsoft's help desk is good example.

3. Fan sites. Fan sites probably isn't a good name for this resource, but you can find websites that are dedicated toward supporting the users of a particular software program or piece of hardware. We've called them "fan sites" because the maintainers of these sites have no affiliation with the manufacturers that they support! Call them what you will, but their free help is immeasurable and without it, we wouldn't have some of the wonderful workarounds and unique problem solving techniques that we have today.

4. Usenet newsgroups. Another underused resource on the Internet, Usenet newsgroups have hundreds of discussion groups dedicated to some of the most popular computer systems, operating systems, hardware manufacturers, and individual software programs. Sometimes, the representatives of these companies participate, but most of the time, the support in this group is user to user, which is just as valid because you're working with a team of experienced people.

Strategi Bisnis Toko Online : Pentingnya mengkoneksikan Produk yg dijual di Toko Online dengan domain

Toko Online menjadi solusi dalam beberapa hal bidang penjualan karena kemudahannya, baik kemudahan dibuat, dipesan ke developer dll. Juga karena kecepatan dalam pembuatan Toko Online saat ini lebih cepat dari pada waktu untuk menghabiskan tidur siang,  mulai dari pemesanan domain, hosting dan instal, karena banyak layanan instan. Tetapi mungkin perlu diingat, saya pernah menyampaikan ke saat Workshop E-commerce di UC UGM dengan contoh lain, bahwa ketika  setiap orang mampu berjualan "jagung bakar", baik dari anak-anak sampai kakek-kakek, dan dari modal 10ribu sampai yang 1 juta, maka titik jenuh di masyarakat akan semakin tinggi. Karena akhirnya di semua tempat bisa ada penjual jagung bakar, namun seiring banyaknya penjual, maka cirikhas jagung bakar harus jelas, kemudian yang tidak boleh lupa, jika masyarakat pembeli jagung puas, biasanya lain waktu mengidentifikasi lokasi penjual jagung secara otomatis dengan istilah:  Penjual Jagung Dekat perempatan, Penjual Jagung ujung jalan, Penjual jagung dekat kelurahan. Apa artinya?

Ketika semua orang bisa membuat toko online, maka pengusaha sukses biasanya mencoba keluar dari pertempuran persaingan yang jenuh dengan membangun banyak identitas pendamping yang khas juga. Nah identitas yang cukup kuat dari Toko Online salah satunya adalah domain yang strategis.  Kenapa?

  1. Domain adalah cirikhas yang hanya satu didunia, tidak ada duplikasi
  2. Domain juga dapat dijadikan brand. Misal,
  3. Domain mudah diingat dari pada menghafal sekaligus nomor fax, alamat dan nama perusahaan.
  4. Kebanyakan lebih suka menghafal daripada Misal CV Visimaster Mediatama Yogyakarta No telp 0274 9110088  Email Identitas yg cukup panjang dan lebih sulit dihafal, lebih mudah

Jika kecenderungan masyarakat mulai menjadi kan domain sebagai identitas bahkan brand selain dari nama perusahaan itu sendiri maka pengusaha Toko Online harus mensiasati dengan beberapa hal berikut.

  1. Lekatkanlah nama domain, dalam setiap komunikasi dengan pelanggan, misal di SMS, Email, Bungkus paket pengiriman, Kartunama, Brosur dengan huruf yang lebih menonjol dan fokus.
  2. Jika anda memiliki banyak toko online, cukup satu domain yang dijadikan ciri dan identitas, namun jadikan sebuah portal yang bisa linking ke banyak web yang dimiliki, misal ketika mengaskes berita artis, maka linknya, jika tentang redaksi menjadi Kenapa sepeti ini? Karena jika anda punya toko online, maka bisa saja pelanggan toko online anda juga menerima penawaran dari toko online lain, yang tentu setiap hari lahir toko online-toko online
  3. Jika memiliki banyak produk berbagai bidang, maka jangan jadikan satu di sebuah web, buatlah subdomain misal untuk toko baju untuk buku maka kenapa? Karena biarkan bidang-bidang usaha anda juga menjadi identitas dan brand. Jangan sampai sebuah web toko online berisi produk Gado-gado, karena ciri dari toko online ada sulit diingat, misal : "Toko Online itu menjual apa yah?" Jawabnya : "Yah ada sayuran, obat, sablon tas plastik, ada kerudung dll". Nah dari sini maka persepsi masyarakat dan pelanggan akan semakin bercabang, apakah toko online ini jualan beneran atau hanya tempat iklan, broker, dll.

Domain toko online adalah sesuatu yang harus kita sosialisasikan, karena kebanyakan toko online tidak menyimpan  stok produk di satu tempat dan bukan milik sendiri mungkin mengambil/menjualkan dari tempat lain, sehingga tentu kunjungan pelanggan toko online lebih diharapkan melalui akses informasi di web daripada tiba-tiba pembeli datang ke rumah anda sebagai pemilik toko online, tanpa konfirmasi.

Untuk itu sosialisasikan domain  antara lain:

  1. Saat promosi
  2. saat ada undangan seminar
  3. saat mengikuti pameran
  4. saat bertemu dengan teman reuni
  5. saat terjadi transaksi
  6. saat pengiriman barang ke pelanggan
  7. saat bertemu saudara
  8. dll

Dan yang terpenting koneksikan produk anda dengan domain, sehingga ketika ada masyarakat yang puas dengan produk anda, maka diharapkan pelanggan juga puas terhadap tempat dimana membelinya. Walaupun misal anda menjual produk Herbal milik orang lain, namun jika herbal memuaskan, maka sudah selayaknnya web toko online anda juga mendapatkan kepercayaan tersebut sehingga diharapkan kedepan jika pelanggan membeli obat herbal selalu ingat  dalam otak kanannnya; "kalo mau beli Obat Herbal buat mata di saja, karena pasti asli dan obatnya cocok".  Jangan sampai pelanggam berpikir  "Kalo mau beli Obat Herbal buat mata nyari di web saja dengan google, nanti pasti ketemu". Bisa minim repeat order jika kasus seperti itu terjadi.

Selamat mengkoneksikan produk dengan domain, lindungi domain anda dan jangan sampai ada peluang duplikasi dengan ekstensi domain lain, misal, pesaing anda membuat untuk mengacaukan konsentrasi produk atau harga.




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